When Dan Jose said ‘I wanna organise a bboy jam’ in 2009 and I said ‘well go on then, I’ll help’, Cardiff City Kings was born. Along with Tom Porridge, 2-Hip, Rich Roast and anyone else who was interested, we gathered after training on a Sunday at Cathays Community Centre, and made it happen. Cardiff City Kings is one of the few jams to include graffiti and mcing alongside bboying and dj’s. Our focus was never to make money or for personal gain – always for the community.

This beautiful video from bboy Monkey, says it all:

My highlights from the six jams included this halloween battle between Squirrels of the Nut-tree and Soul Familia:

Toprock battles:

Full cypher call out battle between Bugz and Sunni:

As well as bringing together bboys from all over the UK and further afield, these jams contributed to strengthening our bboy scene and the wider Hiphop community here in Cardiff.

Dan Jose also set up the Cardiff City Circus radio station and has moved on to London, organising the ‘Jamuary’ bboy event (now in it’s fourth year). They even stole my name haha ‘#UNiTY in the community’ (@hashtagunity on twitter & instagram).