I was contacted by a lovely chap called Phil, from RSPB, who asked if I’d be interested in painting a mural based around nature on the Millenium Boardwalk. The Millenium Boardwalk! Well yes I said, and I did. I had lots of people stop and chat, and say how nice it is to see some positivity going onto our walls. A lovely lady sent a picture to the South Wales Echo (they published it), I met a friendly American on a tour of the UK who guarded my belongings while I ‘paid a visit’, a group of enthusiastic local children, some local graffers, and numerous smiles, nods and kind comments … Anyway, it’s all to generate interest in this project called ‘Discover The Diff’, which, if funding is secured, will mean that the boardwalk will be planted, painted and loved. I’d be mighty grateful if you can click this link and vote for the project as there are three, all out to public vote, and money only goes to the winner: http://votewales.growwilduk.com/#site/discoverthediff
Also, here’s a condensed version of a piece of writing I did with my husband Owen Thomas, about nature and art, also on the boardwalk: