Entries by amelia unity

Knock Knock!!! Can an old friend come in? LG is here!!!!

Oh, hello there. Long time no speak! I’m baaaaack. For those who don’t know, Leo’s the name, and I guess regular blogging is my game now. I just launched a blog of my own, but my getting to this point only came after the friendliness and encouragement of a handful of people who believed in […]

‘Give Me Love’ by Dick Dastardly

TRIGGER WARNING: domestic violence and abuse It’s kinda hard to believe that Dick Dastardly (real name Dean Thomas), a staple player in Cardiff’s Hiphop scene for the last 18 years, only released his debut solo EP in 2021 via Bard Picasso. His follow up track ‘Give Me Love’ was aptly released on Valentines Day this […]