This morning I muscled my way in on a site meeting between Cardiff Coucil, Welsh Government and the contractor who looks after Callaghan Square.
In a nutshell, they’re happy with the first pieces by myself (unity), Resh and Oner, and will be building us a wall along the ‘West Side’…
The new wall will follow the line of lamp-posts along the edge of the square.
The structure will be metal, with (I believe) wood panels.
I’m hopeful that this will be completed before UEFA take over our city next month.
I can’t thank Matt and Haydn enough for all the support they’re giving to our community – on top of the Callaghan Square project they’re also looking into other possibilities for legal spots around the city, so watch this space!

Old School Writers Resh and Oner were the first to get busy on Callaghan Square… (photo by Richard Williams)
Join the Callaghan Square Graffiti Hall Of Fame facebook page here
Wales Online article here