A lovely man called Paul, who spends his days in Cardiff City Centre on a little buggy, ferrying less mobile folks to and from the shops, sorting out the bollards and such like, gave me a tour of the city this morning.
The aim was to find suitable locations for a temporary wall in place of the Millennium Walkway, while we sort out a permanent, purpose built wall. My requirements are that it is well-lit, with high footfall, pedestrianised, and BIG. These are the two options I’ve given to Matt at the Council:
Charles Street – it’s off Queen Street and away from the road. There are no shop windows and lots of bare wall. It’s fairly peaceful and can be seen from the main shopping area.
Old Custom House Building on Custom House Street. It’s a listed building so we couldn’t paint it directly but we could put up boards all the way around. There is already hoarding a bit further along, which could also be used, and two railway underpasses at either end.
If anyone has any other suitable locations please let me know.
Shout out Dan Green who joined us on our whistle-stop tour.