Entries by amelia unity


After a long and drawn out process, Cardiff Council has seen sense and will be returning the Millenium Walkway Hall of Fame to Cardiff’s graffiti artists. This hoo-ha began back in March when I set up a petition to stop one of Cardiff’s only legal walls being sold off for advertising: 1,178 people signed the […]

The Great Big Walk video diary

From 10th June for 9 days, I walked and talked to community projects from Llanwrtyd Wells to Penarth. I met such inspiring people, and have come through it feeling invigorated. I kept a video diary each day… On the last day a lovely chap from Melbourne, Courtney, followed us about with his fancy-pants camera: Find […]

Fleurs and Tears on the Great Big Walk

The Great Big Walk was inspired by the Great Get Together, organised by Jo Cox’s family. Jo’s life was taken last year, and her statement that we have far more in common than divides us stayed with me the whole time I was talking to all the amazing people we met on this walk. There […]

These boots were made for walking…

A while ago I attended an Arts Council Wales training session, where I met an artist called Richard. He told me of a project he was about to start which involved walking from Yorkshire to Wales. This is the kind of project that I always fancy doing, but never do because I need to look […]

Dydd Dylan…

To celebrate the life, work & legacy of Dylan Thomas I organised a paint jam next to Cardiff Castle, on boards that had been put up to protect the trees from UEFA happenings… Cardiff Council very generously paid for our paint – a Welsh flag colour theme seemed appropriate, and I asked wordsmith Rufus Mufasa […]

I love Cardiff Council…

This morning I muscled my way in on a site meeting between Cardiff Coucil, Welsh Government and the contractor who looks after Callaghan Square. In a nutshell, they’re happy with the first pieces by myself (unity), Resh and Oner, and will be building us a wall along the ‘West Side’… The new wall will follow […]

No News = Good News?

I don’t have much to report on the Millenium Walkway Graffiti Hall of Fame, other than I’m hard on the case of the Council Officers who have promised to provide us with a suitable alternative before the advertising goes up. They are working to come up with an interim between the walkway and a new […]

Whistle-stop tour…

A lovely man called Paul, who spends his days in Cardiff City Centre on a little buggy, ferrying less mobile folks to and from the shops, sorting out the bollards and such like, gave me a tour of the city this morning. The aim was to find suitable locations for a temporary wall in place […]

Building a wall…

It all comes down to money. The Millennium Walkway costs £55,000 per year to maintain. Advertising on the Walkway will bring in £100,000 per year. We, as artists CANNOT compete with that! Advertisers don’t want their shiny corporate image tainted with being associated with graffiti… let’s not take that too personally. We can’t share the […]